【同义词辨析】 2019-07-24 胆怯cowardly-dastardly

cowardly: implies a weak or ignoble lack of courage: the ~ retreat of the army. ignoble不光彩,表示缺乏普通人的美德

pusillanimous: suggests contemptible timidity or lack of courage: ~ politicians feared crossing him. cross

gutless:close to cowardly, is informal and considered by some to be not entirely polite: a ~ coward.   guts表示内脏,还表示勇气,可能有人会觉得不礼貌,如lacked the guts to pull it off没有勇气把这件事圆满完成,to pull it off表示做成某事,如you will grasp the English vocabulary if you can pull it off如果你能完成,就能掌握英语词汇 )

craven: suggests extreme faintheartedness and lack of resistance: secretly despised the ~ toadies around her.  faint微弱虚弱having no strength or intensity,如faint light/breath/voice/smile/resistance/hope微弱虚弱的光线/呼吸/声音/微笑/抵抗/希望

dastardly: implies behavior that is both cowardly and despicably treacherous or outrageous: a ~ attack on unarmed civilians.  

(treacherous背叛的,outrageous冒犯无礼令人惊讶的=shocking,如I must apologize for my outrageous behavior我必须为自己极端无礼的行为道歉)

cowardly胆怯: 表现得软弱不光彩,pusillanimous胆怯: 让人蔑视的胆怯,gutless:,craven胆怯: 表示极度胆小,毫不抵抗,dastardly既凶残又胆怯: 用违反良知的手段做坏事,显得既凶残胆怯

记忆方法: 1)首字母CPGCD想成CC GDP处处GPD<==胆怯     只考虑经济,就会丧失勇气勇敢

         2)胆怯的意思是缺乏勇气mean having or showing a lack of courage.